Internet Librarian: Promoting Digital Enablement Of Library Science
The Internet Librarian 2024 scheduled to be held Virtually from October 22 – 24, 2024, the premier library science education workshop and trade show event in the United States of America to promote, augment and share insights, emerging technologies, and techniques for the digital enablement of libraries. Themed on the confluence of communities, collections and collaboration, the trade show event aims to bring together communities of stakeholder groups for an all-inclusive summit to discuss, debate and demonstrate new age methodologies in the management of book inventories, stretching global membership of libraries across boundaries and encouraging collaboration among communities of readers with access to digital content. With a rich diversity of tracks to be pursued for dialogue and discussion on best practices, value creation, and commercial engagements, the event is poised to witness a large congregation of academic, corporate, government and special librarians, information managers information architects, systems professionals, content managers, and technical managers.