Key Tips for Designing an Impactful Trade Show Booth in Las Vegas

Attending trade shows is a great way to make products, services, or companies more visible to potential customers or clients and to network with others in the industry. The fact that trade shows are so popular is both a blessing and a curse, though. All those people mean tons of opportunities for being seen, but they also bring along a ton of competition.

Business owners who are just getting their feet wet in the trade show world sometimes assume that their companies’ products and services or their marketing will be strong enough to draw in plenty of attention on their own. While strong branding and a well-thought-out plan can certainly help, though, they’re often not enough.

Companies that are looking to get the jump on the competition are increasingly beginning to turn to display themes to maximize exposure.


Trade Show Booth Themes for Las Vegas

Since most visitors to trade shows in Las Vegas are coming in from other states, they often take the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds.

Creating a Vegas-themed trade show booth can be a great way to reach out-of-towners, in particular since they’ll already be in the perfect state of mind to be wowed by all the glitz and glam of the City of Light.

When designing an exhibit, try to avoid trotting out tired cliches. There are plenty of ways to create a Vegas-themed booth without either spending a small fortune or winding up with a cheap-looking exhibit.

Check out a few of the best practices that business owners should keep in mind as they design their exhibits to find out how to create a memorable theme that doesn’t overwhelm the company’s branding and products.


Integration is Key for Exhibit

Any themed exhibit should be carefully integrated so that there is not a jarring disconnect between the exhibit and the products it is meant to display. Be thorough, and don’t cut corners.

Every aspect of a company’s trade show program should be integrated, including the exhibit’s design and graphics, the staff’s clothing, the promotional items that are given away at the event, and even the company’s marketing on social media.

Being thorough doesn’t have to mean overwhelming the company’s branding or products, though. One of the great things about a Las Vegas themed exhibit is that the colors and displays can be tailored to fit the company’s existing branding and marketing. Plus, there are plenty of opportunities for incorporating company logos and names without looking tacky.


Choosing Booth Design Elements

Make a point of incorporating some of Las Vegas’ iconic monuments.  When most people come to Vegas, whether they’re visiting this great oasis of light and fun for the first time or the 50th, they head for the Strip.

That’s good news for designers since buildings and attractions on the Strip are already designed to be eye-catching and draw people in.

Choose booth design elements wisely, though, and don’t allow them to overwhelm the company’s message.  It’s a better idea to focus on one aspect of the Vegas theme than it is to try to incorporate every iconic landmark.

Of course, there’s plenty of space for neon lights and miniature, miniature Eiffel towers in a tasteful and effective Vegas-themed exhibit. Just make sure that the different references to the City of Lights don’t clash with each other and, most importantly, that they don’t clash with the company’s brand.

A Las Vegas casino theme might also be appropriate, depending on what type of services or wares the company is showing off. Those who want to go this route can incorporate interior elements of one of Vegas’ famous establishments. Again, though, aim for consistency and don’t allow it to become too overwhelming, as that will just obscure the message and make the entire exhibit look tacky.

Those who don’t think glitz and glam will be an effective marketing technique for their company can always take another route.  Companies that sell camping gear, for example, or athletic wear will not likely attract the right clientele by setting up cardboard slot machines.

Instead, they can try a nature theme that captures the beauty of areas outside the city such as Red Rock.  Adopting a nature theme instead of incorporating elements of the Vegas strip can actually attract even more positive attention and offer the opportunity for even more visitor interactions, depending, of course, on what kind of goods or services are being advertised.


Incorporate Activities

No matter what aspect of life in Las Vegas is chosen for a theme, incorporating fun activities is a great way to draw in visitors and make them feel comfortable.

This, in turn, makes it much easier for the staff to reach out and increases the chances of casual visitors being converted into loyal customers or clients.

Of course, that doesn’t mean a company’s exhibit should be turned into a literal casino, but it’s perfectly possible to incorporate elements of the company’s brand into a casino-themed game or activity.

Get creative with activities and try to find a way to incorporate the products or services being advertised into the activities, themselves, when possible. Whether business owners opt for a Vegas Strip theme, a Red Rock theme, or something a little bit more unusual, they might want to install a photo booth.

This is an easy activity that can not only draw in visitors but also offer them a personalized promotional product complete with the company’s name and logo. Choose backdrops that reflect the theme and, if appropriate, think about bringing along some props.

Visitors to the exhibit will think of it as a fun way to commemorate their experience but they’ll also be taking home a visual reminder of the company’s brand, which can be of great benefit when it comes to increasing brand recognition.

Plus, given how many modern consumers love to post selfies to social media, the photos taken in the booth can also act as a means of free, on-going advertisement.

It can also be helpful to model any staff members’ outfits on those of the dealers at whatever iconic casino is being used as a model.

Not only will it help to create a more unified theme, but it can also put visitors to the exhibit at ease.  This, in turn, makes it easier for the people staffing the booth to engage them in conversation and generate leads.


Don’t Forget About Floor Plans

All of the excitement of coming up with unique design elements, incorporating activities, and anticipating challenges can lead designers to forget about the basics.

The most engaging exhibit in the world isn’t going to encourage lead conversion if it doesn’t have an accessible floor plan, though.

The idea behind a themed exhibit is to draw visitors in then ensure that they actually learn about the company and its products or services while they’re there. Make sure to choose a floor plan that is inviting to passers-by and doesn’t feel too crowded.

This will not only make it more likely that visitors will be drawn in, but it also allows staff members to oversee the operation and notice when someone is in need of assistance. Just like integration is key when it comes to ensuring that the company’s brand is easily recognized and visible, it’s also key in coming up with a floor plan.

There should not be a noticeable divide between areas of the exhibit that are designed to entice people in with the fun, themed games and design elements and those that are intended to inform the audience about the company.

Instead, these different elements should be seamlessly integrated so that visitors leave with the company’s brand firmly associated with fun and excitement.


Some Common Pitfalls

The most common difficulty business owners have with themed exhibits is that it can be easy to go overboard and wind up overwhelming the company’s underlying message.

Lack of creativity can also be an issue, as it is never helpful for a company’s exhibit to call up only tired cliches. Instead, the exhibit must offer a unique take on a recognizable theme.

Finally, it can be difficult for those who are new to designing trade show booths to accomplish everything they need to on a budget. The exhibit can’t look cheap, but it also can’t cost a small fortune or take longer than necessary to set up. This is particularly true for those who intend on reusing their themed exhibits repeatedly over the course of the trade show season.


Enlist Some Professional Help

Not all companies have the marketing personnel required to come up with a stellar Vegas-themed exhibit and ensure that every aspect of it is well thought out and designed to enhance its brand recognition and reputation.

Small to medium-sized businesses often turn to third-party designers for help, which is a great idea.

Las Vegas exhibit rentals offer a great return on investment. For one reason, the fixed price they can design, build, deliver, install, tear down, and store impressive themed exhibits for all kinds of businesses.

For those who are interested, Exponents also keeps experienced show managers on staff to help ensure that everything goes smoothly throughout the trade show.