Expos: The Center Stage of Customer Attention


If you’re a B2B dealer or a supplier of wholesale goods, tradeshows and expos are one of the best ways for you to generate business leads. Considering that these events are literally designed to bridge the gap between customers and business owners, they’re sales heaven for anyone looking for business.

Realizing the marketing potential expos have to offer and the centrality of marketing to business success, we feel that expos present opportunities that no entrepreneur should ever ignore.

Face to face interaction with your clients is the best way to convince them that your services are the best suited to their needs. Speaking to them directly lets you personalize the pitch you can make to them and do away with the flaws of lackluster email marketing or impersonal online marketing.

Each of these marketing methods are less effective than directly meeting your customers since these are generic and therefore less convincing than direct conversations.

If you’re on-board with us up till now, then there are some questions that you should consider to fully appreciate the superiority of expos to other marketing methods.  Questions such as:


What Do You Even Do At a Trade Show?


Trade shows are specialized events where B2B business owners come together to introduce their products and services to prospective buyers. The events are designed to bring new developments in the industry to public light and generate a market for new products.

Although what you achieve at a trade show depends from business to business; a typical trade show lets you do the following:

  • Conduct market surveys.
  • Interact with the competition.
  • Generate business leads.

How Useful Is An Expo Really?


Multiple surveys have been carried out that point to how marketing at expos is so much better than other mediums. These statistics point out how the likelihood of generating a lead increases at these trade shows, what customers are looking for at expos and what marketing methods are the most successful at trade shows. To be more specific:


The total revenue posted by the trade show industry in 2018 was $13.2bn, with 26% of all SMEs in the US attending.

86% of all business owners say that trade shows are invaluable in terms of improving brand awareness.

81% of all attendees have the authority to make a buying decision at trade shows.

41% of all marketers believe that it is the best marketing channel out of all possible marketing avenues.

99% of all marketers agree that trade shows add unique value beyond what other marketing channels can achieve.

Keeping these statistics in mind, it’s not really surprising that the industry is continuing to grow and how more businesses are jumping onto trade shows to improve business prospects.


How do I Make the Most Out of a Trade Show?


There is no one answer to this question; it’s really a matter of how creative you’re willing to get with your marketing stunts. It’s important to remember that trade shows are a time for you to show out to your competition and your prospective clientele.

This means you need to make sure you use all the possible tools at your disposal to generate conversation about your business in the industry. The best way to do that is to have a well-designed exhibit booth that can present an impressive image to everyone who sees it.

Your booth should not only grab your prospective clients’ attention, it should also leave a lasting image.


Creating an Effect


As with all marketing tools, the guiding principle should be to enable effective transmission of your message to your clients.

Trade show marketing needs to be contextualized within the limits of your overall marketing strategy so that you’re able to present a consistent brand image to your clientele. If you get your designs right, you can milk your trade shows for all their worth.


The Basics of Creating a Great Trade Show Booth


To achieve the best possible impact within the dynamic of a trade show, here are the fundamentals of creating a great exhibit booth:

  • Try to secure the best booth position.
  • Interactive booth designs that allow customers to directly interact with the booth structure.
  • Ensuring that your representatives are noticeable and easy to approach within the booth.
  • Incorporating brand persona elements, such as logos, color schemes and font styles into booth design.

Assuming that you follow these steps and tips at your next trade show, you will begin to see that your engagement will increase and your sales prospects will begin to improve. If you get all the elements of your booth right, you’ll establish yourself as a dominant authority in the industry.

Exponents Insta USA is a premium booth manufacturer for trade shows and corporate events. We are a trusted trade show booths manufacturer who offers custom designed booths for your expos.

We offer on-site booth management, booth design, construction services and much more. Get in touch with Exponent’s representative for a price quote and more information on our services today!