How to Troubleshoot Problems at a Trade Show
When you oversee your company’s trade show, there are bound to be issues that arise. These problems can quickly become overwhelming when they happen at the show. You may find yourself running short of time and need to resolve them as soon as possible. The severity of the issue could be minor, or it could be an issue that will have a major impact should you not deal with it promptly.
If there are issues that arise during your time at the trade show, it is best you take a step by step plan to fix them so they do not distract you or your team from their goals. One of your best defenses to these problems is to come prepared with all the tools you will need to fix these problems. In this article, we will go over some of the key things you will require to troubleshoot all the problems that could happen at the show.
Where is my stuff?
This is an age-old problem. You are at the show, ready to get set up, but your packages have not arrived. Somehow your carrier misplaced your packages and you are running behind. If this happens, you may find yourself in deep trouble. The best way to deal with this issue depends on several factors.
The best solution to this problem is planning ahead. When you are preparing for a trade show, it is a wise idea to go over some basic guidelines:
- Choose a rental agency you can trust: If you are renting a trade show display, you want to choose a rental company that is well trusted. You do not want to leave your display up to someone you are not confident with. Always read reviews of a company before you use it so you can get a feel about how reliable they are.
- Keep an inventory of everything you need for the show: It is best that you understand everything that is being sent to you at the trade show. That way, while you are unpacking, you can check the items off a list to ensure nothing is missing.
- Stay in contact with the show’s management: The people running the show will know about everything that arrives to the show’s location. This involves all your freight. Be sure to check in with them to make sure everything has arrived as it should.
Cosmetic Damages!
Your booth is made up of strong materials, but that does not mean they are immune to damage. If something gets dinged, scratched, or broken at the show, you may find you have little time to repair them. Even worse, you might not even have the supplies there to fix these damages.
This is another instance where you should prepare yourself ahead of time. Assemble a first aid kit for your booth. That way, if something does happen to get damaged, you can fix it quickly. In most cases, the repairs won’t be anything too substantial, but more cosmetic and easy to remedy.
- Color in the lines: One of the most common types of damages are scratches. You likely do not want your booth to look maimed with scratches. It not only looks bad, but it also might turn off potential clients. To combat this issue, bring along some quick drying, no-odor paint or markers that match the color of your booth. If a scratch does happen, use them to color over them so they do not stand out.
- Power outages: Many times you may encounter an issue with your booth’s electronics. Since electricity is likely powering a lot of your display material, the last thing you want is a power outage. To avoid this, be sure you and your team are aware of everything that is plugged in. Be sure to not overload any one circuit. Use surge protectors when using a lot of power on one outlet to reduce its strain.
- Damaged glass or acrylic: Both glass and acrylic are subject to being damaged easily. The best way to prepare for these types of damages is to have a glass or acrylic repair kit on hand. You can find these kits at hardware stores. They will allow you to buff out scratches or fill in chipped areas. In extreme cases, you may also want to have a spare piece of glass or acrylic on hand.
As you can see, following some cautionary guidelines can help you solve problems as they arise at your trade show booth. Follow these suggestions to ensure that you are ready for any and everything at your next show. Remember the keys to planning ahead and you will be able to avoid any issues that may come your way.